My name is Robin and I am the founder and chairman of the Bluefield Project for frontotemporal dementia. My mother, my aunt, my grandfather died of this. Frontotemporal dementia or FTD for short is a demise of the frontal lobes of the brain. People who have the genetic aspects of frontotemporal dementia they stop producing progranulin. That is what we're trying to do is through a treatment increase progranulin and be able for those who have it in their family to take a pill every day so that they never have this disease. So, we are very hopeful that this might be the first neurological disease that actually has a cure. So, as my husband and I were thinking about how to give back to our community we started a foundation and after a couple of years of doing that foundation it was quite onerous and when I heard about a donor-advised fund from my financial advisor it sounded like we could take away all the onerous parts of the joy of giving and the donor-advised fund through Schwab Charitable has been exactly that. They set me up like within 20 minutes. I was then that afternoon introduced to a whole new world of charity the way you might imagine it without any of the burden. The beauty of the donor-advised fund is you make that contribution, you get the tax deduction, and then you have the joy of giving that money away over the years. It's already set aside for philanthropy and so now you get the kid in the candy store experience of where do I want to create good in the world and then it's so easy just with a few clicks to send that money and I just think my heart grows you know every time that I do something for someone else so it's a heart multiplier for me. So, thanks to this donor-advised fund through Schwab charitable I am working on trying to leave a legacy in my life.