Support disaster relief and recovery
Heartbreaking tragedies affect thousands of people every year, from devastating storms and earthquakes to wildfires and mudslides. Communities are often left in dire need of food, emergency shelter, clean water, electricity, and access to critical medical care. DAFgiving360™ and Center for Disaster Philanthropy are working together to provide our generous donors with a convenient way to extend their support when and where it is needed most.
Stay updated about disasters and how you can help.
Not seeing what you are looking to support? Visit Center for Disaster Philanthropy’s website for a list of active, past and long-term recovery profiles.
When you choose to support a disaster relief effort, please consider these guidelines to most effectively help those in need:
Donate to the organization’s general disaster relief fund, so the funds can be used where they’re most helpful.
Send funds instead of physical goods.
Help to fund prevention and continue to give over time.
Encourage accountability to the organizations you choose to support.