Financials, Ethics, and Governance

DAFgiving360™ is committed to transparency and financial accountability. For complete details, please see our financial reports:

Form 990 >
Schedule I > 
Financial Statements >
Form W-9 >

Find out more about the DAFgiving360 Whistleblower Hotline Policy and Conflict of Interest Policy below:

Whistleblower Policy Summary

Donor Advised Charitable Giving, Inc. (DAFgiving360) requires board members, employees, officers, contractors, and vendors to observe high standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities and in complying with applicable law. The Whistleblower Policy is designed to encourage and enable anyone to raise concerns or complaints so that DAFgiving360 can address and correct inappropriate actions and conduct.    

Complaints may be submitted anonymously through the following hotline or web address:  



Phone: 844-372-1690

Reasonable efforts will be made to protect the confidentiality and anonymity of the complainant and retaliation is prohibited against any individual who submitted a Whistleblower complaint in good faith. 

Complaints are reviewed and investigated, as appropriate and necessary, by DAFgiving360’s legal counsel, with the President, Chief Financial Officer, and Audit Committee kept appraised of the investigation and outcome.    

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Conflict of Interest Policy Summary

Donor Advised Charitable Giving, Inc. (DAFgiving360) has adopted a Conflict Of Interest Policy (the “Policy”), which requires its directors, officers, and key employees (“Defined Employees”) to disclose an actual or perceived interest that impairs or might impair the independence of objectivity over the loyalty owed to DAFgiving360. 

The disclosure statement must include any relationships with key vendors and any financial interest to the best of the discloser’s knowledge.  

  1. Once the disclosure statement and all material facts are considered, the members of the Audit Committee or the Board will decide if a Conflict of Interest exists and if it does exist then whether or not to enter into the transaction. The discloser will not be present or vote during the discussion. However, the discloser will be available for any questions.
  2. If there is a Conflict of Interest, and the transaction does not involve a member of the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors or Audit Committee can approve the transaction if the transaction is fair and reasonable under DAFgiving360’s governing documents, applicable law, and it is deemed to be in the best interest of DAFgiving360.
  3. If there is a Conflict of Interest, and the transaction involves a Board Member who has a financial interest, the Board or Audit Committee can approve the transaction under the following circumstances:
    1. Before agreeing to the transaction, the Board of Directors approves the transaction by a majority of the Board in office without counting the vote of the effected Board Member.
    2. Before approving the transaction, the Board of Directors considers and determines in good faith after reasonable investigations the transaction is fair and reasonable to DAFgiving360, is in the best interest of DAFgiving360, and that a more advantageous arrangement could not be obtained.  